After finishing the three little cottages on Saturday, I decided to do something slightly different on Sunday and made a building that could serve as a stable or other outbuilding for a manor farm on my ECW/English pulp tables.
It’s 3″ deep and 4″ wide, so actually larger in footprint than the little hovels. Horse need their space, tenant farmers not so much! Same construction, 1/16th mattboard (picture framing card) with wooden coffee stir sticks for the timbering. The roof is assymetric, with the peak closer to the front of the building instead of down the centreline, for no other reason than it looked more interesting and on a gaming table, people spend a lot of time looking down at rooftops!
A roof with a pitch like this should probably be shakes or slate or something, because a steep pitch is part of what helps keep a thatch roof watertight, but towel thatch is a heck of a lot faster to assemble than a shingled roof, even with Warbases’ nifty lasercut tile cards available! Perhaps I’ll go back and rebuild this roof with tile card in the future, when I’m not under a pre-convention time crunch… but don’t hold your breath!

I’ll add open doors on the big doorway on the front; the doors are built but not installed yet. I might whip up a couple of horse stall walls to put in the interior, but honestly that seems like a post-Trumpeter addition to me…
Lovely work. I’m trying to source online cork tiles for doing much the same thing here in then UK.
All I have found thus far is self adhesive tiles :>(
Hi Darrell, for cork tile in the UK, I’d go ask Matakashi, he’s the absolute master of cork tile buildings. He might even have info on sourcing cork tile on his website already – — Brian
Hi Brian, I’ve actually been in touch with him but I did (eventually) manage to find some on eBay that were not of the self adhesive type.
I will be studying Matakashi’s web page for inspiration and info on just how to best go about it.