Category Archives: Asides

Short posts with slightly special handling in WP’s TwentyTen theme.

GZG Links Edited

Just updated the Ground Zero Games/Dirtside II/Stargrunt II/Full Thrust Links page, which has, like some of the other resources on this site, needed updating since the early 2000s. I’ve killled off a bunch of dead links, replaced other URLs, left a few favourites with plantive notes for assistance in finding up-to-date URLs, and finally added a note to contact us if you have suggestions for new or replacement links!

Updates to Links Pages

Finally got around to doing some badly needed pruning of the General & Personal Wargaming Links page, which has frankly needed it since about 2004…

On a more positive note, I added a whole batch of new companies and other links to the Pulp Links page, which has only needed expansion and other TLC since earlier this year!

As always, if you have a new site to suggest or updated site to share with us, please leave a comment on the relevant post or contact us!